Monday, December 31, 2012


Yes, America needs to exert a good moral influence. Diplomacy should rule as much as possible. She has to do global thinking.
We can and must use  force when necessary as in Libya  and in Kosovo.
We must learn better when and when not to use force to help others.
 Sen. Hagel is a thoughtful Republican about Iran. I favor him.
 We must always avoid isolationism,pacifism but never be belligerentacting contrary to what others need. We did right in helping to expulse the Iraquis from Kuwait ,but erred grievously in ousting Saddam in the manner we did. We could have enable the Iraquis themselves to rid themselves of him and his two sons.
Free trade would help peace as FDR knew.
We must thus be pragmatic realists in foreign policy.
 Any ideas for peace?

Chuck Hagel's big problem: being a realist about American power and Iran

Chuck Hagel's big problem: being a realist about American power and Iran

RDF: It's What Moral Philosophers Do (Also in Polish)

RDF: It's What Moral Philosophers Do (Also in Polish)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Nietzsche: Moral Absolutism and Moral Relativism Are "Equally Childish"

Nietzsche: Moral Absolutism and Moral Relativism Are "Equally Childish"

Deriving An Atheistic, Naturalistic, Realist Account Of Morality

Deriving An Atheistic, Naturalistic, Realist Account Of Morality

Born or unborn

    Note the consequennce.
    The enforced-pregnancy folk  would have a female continuously have the pain of being raped revisited! They gloss over that fact for their  extreme idology.
    They also don't want females to practice contraception. They are indeed misogynistic!
     Of course, childten of rape  are so glad to live! But they should not be for  forcing other  raped females to give birth.
     Actually, we all have the problem that had matters been different, we would also not have lived. Events could have occurred to alter matters. Wars cause war brides. Had World WarII not have occurred, some Americans would not have lived as the war brought their mothesr and fathers together. Should they then begrudge diplomacy to prevent war that could bring others like themselves to be born?
      Obviously,no! So, the children of rape victims should be for contraception and be pro-choice.

Dorf on Law: Better Off Never Born?

Dorf on Law: Better Off Never Born?